Tips on how to save battery life on an iPhone

Each iteration of the iPhone is better than the last, but not when it comes to battery life. Thankfully, these tips explain how to save battery life on an iPhone — no outlet necessary. The post Tips on how to save battery life on an iPhone appeared first on Digital Trends. Source link Shiv EswarShiv…

Facebook to launch internet satellite Athena

According to emails obtained from the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Facebook is working on a low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite that will provide internet coverage. Many city dwellers have access to superfast broadband, giving them the connectivity they need to do business, stream video, and most importantly to Facebook, engage in social networking. However,…

SophiaTX enterprise B2B blockchain goes live

Swiss B2B blockchain company Equidato Technologies has announced the launch of its SophiaTX blockchain ‘mainnet’. Public blockchain SophiaTX is designed to be decentralised enterprise computing system that extends traditional enterprise applications, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP), supply chain management (SCM), and customer relationship management (CRM), into the blockchain environment. The aim is to use…

The Best Point-and-Shoot Cameras You Can Buy

David Elrich/Digital Trends David Elrich/Digital Trends The best digital camera for you isn’t necessarily an expensive hunk of metal and an accompanying backpack of lenses — it might be something as simple as a point-and-shoot. The term describes an all-in-one pocket camera with a fixed lens that’s easy to use, but it could also include larger…

MIT helps machine learning systems to perceive human emotions

Researchers at MIT’s Media Lab have developed a machine learning system that ‘reads’ facial expressions to determine human emotions. The rush to develop machines capable of interpreting the intricacies of human communication and expression comes at a time when some believe that affective computing could provide the missing link between conventional robotics, software, and solutions that…