What is IT/OT Convergence? (2022)

If you work in the manufacturing, logistics, energy, building management or another industrial sector, chances are you have heard about the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), and how it will change the way you do business – a transformation often described as part of the Fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0. Analysts, journalists and others…

Twitter’s mass layoffs have begun • TechCrunch

UPDATE: Based on tweets from employees showing that they’ve lost access to their work emails and Slack, layoffs are starting to happen: All your access suddenly shut off in the middle of the night? Same 🙃 — ariasafaria (@SrinivasanAria) November 4, 2022 Has it already started? Happy layoff eve! pic.twitter.com/0AcaQjGJvm — Rumman Chowdhury (@ruchowdh) November…