What’s the role of AI in 5G manufacturing?

To further explore the intersection of 5G and manufacturing, register for the 5G Manufacturing Forum.    AI, combined with the main capabilities of 5G technology can provide greater improvements in the manufacturing process   Some of the current capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) include speech, image and video recognition, autonomous objects, natural language processing, conversational…

Jeans, Redesigned – Connected World

Can we achieve a circular economy in the fashion industry? One new report says yes. Moving away from a linear take-make-waste model is critical. Clothes can be made with limited impact; be recycled and refurbished; and be long-lasting and ultimately, be kept in use for extended periods of time. Quite simply, clothing can be worn…

The best gaming laptops in 2021

The best gaming laptop for your needs can be hard to find, and the search used to be an undertaking fraught with compromises: you could get a lightweight laptop with anemic performance or a powerful machine that really pushed the boundaries of what can really be called a laptop. But gaming laptops have improved a…

ESO Beginner’s Guide: Tips and Tricks to Get Started

Despite offering hundreds of hours of content to explore, The Elder Scrolls Online is surprisingly easy to jump into. Skyrim fans, in particular, will have an accelerated learning curve to conquer, with many similarities between its single-player world and that of the MMORPG. However, just because it’s newcomer-friendly doesn’t mean The Elder Scrolls Online is…