Mirai variant ‘Beastmode’ exploits fresh vulnerabilities

A variant of the Mirai botnet called Beastmode has been observed exploiting recently-discovered vulnerabilities. The Mirai botnet is composed primarily of IoT and embedded devices. In 2016, Mirai made national headlines when it used exploited connected devices to overwhelm several high-profile targets with record-setting Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks. Mirai’s original creator was arrested in the…

HCI and Designing for Democracy

What is a democratic internet, and how does it intersect with the evolving nature of HCI? Connectivity has changed everything. In fact, experts like Elizabeth Gerber, professor and co-director of the Center for Human Computer Interaction + Design at Northwestern University, say there is not a single aspect of many humans’ lives that is not…

Digitize Manufacturing Operations with Industry 4.0

Click Here to Access the Full Webinar With increasing pressures on pricing, speed, individualization, and sustainability brought on by customers and competitors, already- intricate supply chains & manufacturing processes are becoming more and more complex. A resilient business needs digitalized manufacturing operations, customer service and supply chains to run with speed and flexibility. Lean manufacturing…