This camera trades pictures for AI poetry

Have you ever stood in front of a redwood and wondered, “Wouldn’t it be great if this was poetry instead of a tree?” Neither did Joyce Kilmer. Kelin Carolyn Zhang and Ryan Mather, however, have set out to bridge the gap between AI tech and poetry with their captivating brainchild — the Poetry Camera. The…

This camera trades pictures for AI poetry

Have you ever stood in front of a redwood and wondered, “Wouldn’t it be great if this was poetry instead of a tree?” Neither did Joyce Kilmer. Kelin Carolyn Zhang and Ryan Mather, however, have set out to bridge the gap between AI tech and poetry with their captivating brainchild — the Poetry Camera. The…

This camera trades pictures for AI poetry

Have you ever stood in front of a redwood and wondered, “Wouldn’t it be great if this was poetry instead of a tree?” Neither did Joyce Kilmer. Kelin Carolyn Zhang and Ryan Mather, however, have set out to bridge the gap between AI tech and poetry with their captivating brainchild — the Poetry Camera. The…

This camera trades pictures for AI poetry

Have you ever stood in front of a redwood and wondered, “Wouldn’t it be great if this was poetry instead of a tree?” Neither did Joyce Kilmer. Kelin Carolyn Zhang and Ryan Mather, however, have set out to bridge the gap between AI tech and poetry with their captivating brainchild — the Poetry Camera. The…

How IoT is Revolutionizing Elderly Care

In the quiet of his home, a son contemplates the well-being of his 84-year-old mother who lives alone.

The worry is a constant companion, a shadow that grows longer with each passing year. Traditional methods of monitoring, like bracelets or lanyards with emergency buttons, are often rejected by the elderly—they are seen as symbols of frailty, an admission of vulnerability. But what if technology could offer a solution that preserves dignity while providing peace of mind?