Better, Stronger, Faster

Today’s top athletes aren’t just good. More often than not, they’re statistically and objectively better than athletes of the past. Why? The answer isn’t that humans born today are inherently stronger, faster, or more athletic than earlier generations; it’s that we have better technology today. We have better tools, better equipment, and better data —…

DT ties-up on dual-mode LTE-M/LoRaWAN, as LoRa 2.4GHz catches sail

Deutsche Telekom is working with The Things Industries (TTI), the industrial solutions division of LoRaWAN network provider The Things Network (TTN), to combine licensed and unlicensed low-power wide-area (LPWA) technologies LTE-M and LoRaWAN into a single IoT connectivity solution. The partnership is a major statement from the German carrier, promoting licensed cellular technologies, and milestone…