Gillmor Gang: Catching Up – TechCrunch

As the pandemic dwindled enough to get in our car with dogs, SiriusXM, and our children in the rear view mirror, we drove to South Carolina. Tina had endured the last year and almost another half while her mother languished with aging pets, her husband in a facility, and eventually his death. As the miles…

Gillmor Gang: Catching Up – TechCrunch

As the pandemic dwindled enough to get in our car with dogs, SiriusXM, and our children in the rear view mirror, we drove to South Carolina. Tina had endured the last year and almost another half while her mother languished with aging pets, her husband in a facility, and eventually his death. As the miles…

Gillmor Gang: Catching Up – TechCrunch

As the pandemic dwindled enough to get in our car with dogs, SiriusXM, and our children in the rear view mirror, we drove to South Carolina. Tina had endured the last year and almost another half while her mother languished with aging pets, her husband in a facility, and eventually his death. As the miles…

Gillmor Gang: Catching Up – TechCrunch

As the pandemic dwindled enough to get in our car with dogs, SiriusXM, and our children in the rear view mirror, we drove to South Carolina. Tina had endured the last year and almost another half while her mother languished with aging pets, her husband in a facility, and eventually his death. As the miles…

Soracom intros ‘blended’ IoT support for NB-IoT, LTE-M, Sigfox, Wi-Fi, Ethernet, satellite

KDDI-owned IoT connectivity provider Soracom, flush from an injection of new funds from Hitachi and Sony Group, has launched a new platform to allow IoT developers to connect devices using Wi-Fi, Ethernet, and satellite connectivity, as well as low-power wide-area (LPWA) cellular technologies, including NB-IoT and LTE-M, as well as the non-cellular LPWA standard Sigfox.…

The end of open source? – TechCrunch

Shaun O’Meara Contributor Shaun O’Meara, global field CTO at Mirantis, has worked with customers designing and building enterprise IT infrastructure for 20 years. Several weeks ago, the Linux community was rocked by the disturbing news that University of Minnesota researchers had developed (but, as it turned out, not fully executed) a method for introducing what…

China’s New Law Requires Researchers to Report All Zero-Day Bugs to Government

The Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) has issued new stricter vulnerability disclosures regulations that mandate security researchers uncovering critical flaws in computer systems to mandatorily disclose them first-hand to the government authorities within two days of filing a report. The “Regulations on the Management of Network Product Security Vulnerability” are expected to go into effect…