Hubble Captures the Beautiful Necklace Nebula

The interaction of two doomed stars has created this spectacular ring adorned with bright clumps of gas ­– a diamond necklace of cosmic proportions. Fittingly known as the “Necklace Nebula,” this planetary nebula is located 15,000 light-years away from Earth in the small, dim constellation of Sagitta (the Arrow). ESA/Hubble & NASA, K. Noll Around…

Yummy FTP review – Macworld UK

Yummy FTP full review There are several FTP contenders for the Mac, but few of them as appealing as their PC brethren. Fetch and CyberDuck are favourites of the community. We’re particularly fond of the open source product FileZilla Client, too. It has a great interface and offers a level of reliability and ease of…

G2’s CDP Category Grows as Importance for Data Transparency Increases

I’ve heard the term “personalization” so often over the last few years—usually in the context of “You need to personalize content to connect with your customers,” or “Personalization will not only enhance the customer experience, but it will also help improve customer loyalty.”