Maine’s facial recognition law shows bipartisan support for protecting privacy – TechCrunch

Michael Kebede Contributor Maine has joined a growing number of cities, counties and states that are rejecting dangerously biased surveillance technologies like facial recognition. The new law, which is the strongest statewide facial recognition law in the country, not only received broad, bipartisan support, but it passed unanimously in both chambers of the state legislature.…

Maine’s facial recognition law shows bipartisan support for protecting privacy – TechCrunch

Michael Kebede Contributor Maine has joined a growing number of cities, counties and states that are rejecting dangerously biased surveillance technologies like facial recognition. The new law, which is the strongest statewide facial recognition law in the country, not only received broad, bipartisan support, but it passed unanimously in both chambers of the state legislature.…

Maine’s facial recognition law shows bipartisan support for protecting privacy – TechCrunch

Michael Kebede Contributor Maine has joined a growing number of cities, counties and states that are rejecting dangerously biased surveillance technologies like facial recognition. The new law, which is the strongest statewide facial recognition law in the country, not only received broad, bipartisan support, but it passed unanimously in both chambers of the state legislature.…

Maine’s facial recognition law shows bipartisan support for protecting privacy – TechCrunch

Michael Kebede Contributor Maine has joined a growing number of cities, counties and states that are rejecting dangerously biased surveillance technologies like facial recognition. The new law, which is the strongest statewide facial recognition law in the country, not only received broad, bipartisan support, but it passed unanimously in both chambers of the state legislature.…

16-Year-Old Security Bug Affects Millions of HP, Samsung, Xerox Printers

Details have emerged about a high severity security vulnerability affecting a software driver used in HP, Xerox, and Samsung printers that has remained undetected since 2005. Tracked as CVE-2021-3438 (CVSS score: 8.8), the issue concerns a buffer overflow in a print driver installer package named “SSPORT.SYS” that can enable remote privilege and arbitrary code execution.…