Shark Tank India falls short on pledges

Over a year following the inaugural season of the Indian edition of Shark Tank, the seven esteemed investors made good on less than half of their investment pledges, according to a new analysis, the latest in a series of criticisms for the show. The “sharks” overall invested in only 27 of the 65 investment pledges…

5 marketing slides to bring to your next board meeting

Michelle Swan Contributor Michelle Swan is a partner at Tercera and is responsible for marketing and content, the advisor and portfolio experience, and guiding portfolio companies on go-to-market and brand strategies. Most board directors intuitively understand that marketing is an important part of any company’s growth engine. It not only feeds the near-term sales engine,…

Tesla lets owners recharge with solar

Tesla’s latest move is a new feature for folks who’ve seriously bought into its ecosystem. Tesla drivers with home solar and a Powerwall charger now have an in-app option to exclusively charge up their vehicle via excess solar energy. The automaker started rolling out the setting in May, under a rather idyllic name: Drive on…

AI didn’t invent creative remixing

And it probably won’t eliminate truly creative jobs In the late 1950s and early 1960s, a group of artists and writers stayed at a run-down hotel in Paris that came to be known as the The Beat Hotel. Their proximity to one another produced some incredibly creative artistic cross-pollination. The Beat-generation creatives living there were…