Sketch, maker of popular design tools, just landed $20 million in Series A funding from Benchmark in its first outside round – TechCrunch

You’ve probably noticed: design has become central for many businesses that might have once considered it an afterthought. Indeed, with sales and marketing so thoroughly optimized at this point — and companies wondering how else to trounce the competition — there’s now a race afoot for numerous startups looking to become the Salesforce of design.…

Robotics + AI – TechCrunch

As part of TechCrunch Sessions: Robotics + AI, we are happy to announce a partnership to deliver a brand new course from NVIDIA’s Deep Learning Institute (DLI). Called the NVIDIA Deep Learning for Robotics Workshop, this brand new, never before offered workshop will provide training in a new 3D accelerated remote desktop environment on April…

Moto G7 Review: This Budget Beauty is a Big Bargain

When Motorola launched the G series back in 2013 it redefined expectations of a budget phone. The first few releases easily retained the budget crown, but the competition is getting much tougher. A resurgent Nokia brand under HMD Global is turning out truly impressive, cheap smartphones; and Honor is not the only threat from the east. Not to…

Successful Web Projects Built On Monstroid2 WordPress Theme

No ratings yet. Monstroid2 is an innovative product and bestselling template among other WordPress themes. Besides its clean design, it brings extended functionality and endless opportunities for website customization. Multiple web projects built on M2 have already benefited from using its functionality. Therefore, let’s find out what makes Monstroid2 different. Make Your Dream Possible With…