Twitter’s cryptocurrency scam bots are back with a fresh new look

Cryptocurrency in 2019 has been missing one key ingredient, Ethereum scambots on Twitter. The good news is: they’re back! Those pesky fraudsters are up to their usual shenanigans, but this time they’ve been given a fancy makeover (new year, new do?), complete with an impressively modern design. they’re back — StopAndDecrypt (@StopAndDecrypt) March 1,…

Road to 5G Ignites AVs, Buildings, Cities, and More

Rapid connectivity via AV (autonomous vehicles) and the immense data transfer of speeds that will be experienced by 5G—unlike anything we’ve seen before—will change our lifestyles and our businesses. We will see people eating, sleeping, playing Fortnite, and even having sex (although it’s still illegal) in their EVs (electric vehicles). The proliferation of 5G—otherwise known…