Gillmor Gang: Check and Balance The Gillmor Gang — Frank Radice, Denis Pombriant, Michael Markman, Keith Teare, and Steve Gillmor . Recorded live Saturday March 2, 2019. Netflix and the mining of social capital, bingewashing and the new prime time, how AOC asks the right questions. Produced and directed by Tina Chase Gillmor @tinagillmor @fradice, @denispombriant, @mickeleh, @kteare, @stevegillmor…

PlayStation Vita Production Ends 7 Years After Launch

Sony has officially ended production of the PlayStation Vita, the portable gaming console that struggled to reach the same success as its predecessor, the PlayStation Portable. The two remaining SKUs of the PlayStation Vita are now declared discontinued in the device’s official product page, according to Polygon. This marks the end of life for the portable…

a conversation with Anand Giridharadas – TechCrunch

Editor’s Note: Technology, startups, entrepreneurship, unicorns, S-1s. Silicon Valley has created an economic engine unlike any other in the world over the past few decades. That success has come with incredible influence over our society, politics, and economy, an influence that is increasingly under the microscope. Our industry has gained outsized power, and now it…