Google-incubated AdLingo uses chatbot integration to create conversational ads – TechCrunch

“Conversational marketing” is a phrase that I hear a lot, but when the team at AdLingo uses it, they mean something specific — namely, bringing chatbots and other conversational assistants into online advertising. The startup is part of Google’s Area 120 incubator, and co-founder and general manager Vic Fatnani said he’s worked on advertising at Google…

Passport, a customer service company focused on shipping, has raised $3 million in seed funding from some notable names – TechCrunch

Founders building a brand today are largely relying on new infrastructure to do it, though they’re still heavily reliant on legacy carriers like FedEx and DHL when it comes to international shipping. In fact, prohibitively high prices, along with not a ton of support or tools are a few reasons why more American companies aren’t…

Coinbase now lets you buy and sell ZRX – TechCrunch

Coinbase’s newest asset is live. On Tuesday the popular U.S.-based cryptocurrency platform added support for ZRX, the token representing the 0x Project. On Coinbase, ZRX joins the rarified ranks of Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic and Litecoin. Coinbase ZRX The addition doesn’t come as a surprise. Last week, Coinbase added ZRX to Coinbase Pro, the…