UK police release airport drone suspects and admit there may not have been any drones after all – TechCrunch

Less than a week after mystery drones grounded flights at the U.K’s second largest airport, wreaking havoc on as many as 140,000 people’s travel plans for the Christmas period, police have admitted that there may in fact not have been any drones at all. Gatwick airport reopened on Friday after a one-day shutdown but it appears that investigators…

LetsTransport raises $13.5M to digitize and improve last mile logistics in India – TechCrunch

India’s B2B supply chain is slowly shifting into the digital era. Following a $23 million investment for Moglix, which helps bring business and manufacturing procurement online, LetsTransport, a startup that brings increased efficiency to logistics and business transportation, has raised $13.5 million for growth. Founded in 2015 by IIT Kharagpur graduates Pushkar Singh, Sudarshan Ravi and…