Midwest rising – TechCrunch

Emerging venture capital firms in smaller American cities from Indianapolis to Princeton, NJ are attracting increasingly larger funding as investors see opportunities for returns beyond the coastal confines of the nation’s largest cities and the innovation epicenter of Silicon Valley. For the last four years, AOL co-founder Steve Case has been criss-crossing the country preaching…

Russian indictments show that the U.S. needs federal oversight of election security – TechCrunch

Phoebe Wong is executive director of EqualCitizens.US, a democracy reform non profit based in Washington DC. She was formerly a senior economist at the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress and consultant at the World Bank. President Trump’s Helsinki summit with Vladimir Putin, on the heels of twelve Russian intelligence officials indicted for hacking the 2016…

Netflix is falling off a cliff – TechCrunch

Netflix didn’t add as many subscribers as a bunch of people on Wall Street that on a quarterly basis govern whether or not it’ll be more valuable than Comcast, and that is probably a bad thing since it’s one ofthe primary indicator of its future potential. While it’s still adding subscribers (a lot of them),…