SophiaTX enterprise B2B blockchain goes live

Swiss B2B blockchain company Equidato Technologies has announced the launch of its SophiaTX blockchain ‘mainnet’. Public blockchain SophiaTX is designed to be decentralised enterprise computing system that extends traditional enterprise applications, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP), supply chain management (SCM), and customer relationship management (CRM), into the blockchain environment. The aim is to use…

MIT helps machine learning systems to perceive human emotions

Researchers at MIT’s Media Lab have developed a machine learning system that ‘reads’ facial expressions to determine human emotions. The rush to develop machines capable of interpreting the intricacies of human communication and expression comes at a time when some believe that affective computing could provide the missing link between conventional robotics, software, and solutions that…

IoT security: Serious vulnerabilities found in Samsung SmartThings Hub

Cisco’s cybersecurity arm Cisco Talos has published several vulnerabilities discovered in the firmware of Samsung’s SmartThings Hub. The device is designed to be controlled using a smartphone app, giving the owner oversight of all connected devices in the home, meaning that any security flaw could have serious consequences. Cisco Talos’ Claudio Bozzato found that the SmartThings Hub was severely compromised.…

Microsoft partners with Black Girls Code to help the organization launch Seattle chapter – TechCrunch

Microsoft has partnered with Black Girls Code, led by Kimberly Bryant, to enable the organization to launch a chapter in Seattle, Microsoft announced on LinkedIn today. Since launching in 2011, Black Girls Code has introduced technology and computer science to young black girls in 13 cities throughout the country. Seattle marks Black Girls Code’s 14th…

Businesses expect Industrial IoT to boost revenues by $154 million – Inmarsat

Research from global satellite communications services provider Inmarsat reveals the rapid ascendency of the industrial IoT (IIoT), along with its capacity to boost revenues and the obstacles that exist to greater adoption. Overall, businesses expect the IIoT to boost revenues by a total of $154 million. The survey, conducted by market researchers Vanson Bourne, focused…