5 Practical Strategies for Instilling a Culture of Compliance in Your Team

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Organizational compliance is not just about checking boxes. It is an essential foundation for maintaining quality, ethics, safety, and customer trust in your business. However, instilling an authentic compliance mindset across your entire team can be challenging. Complacency, lack of investment and siloed thinking are common pitfalls.…

China-backed Hackers Hijack Software Updates to Implant “NSPX30” Spyware

A previously undocumented China-aligned threat actor has been linked to a set of adversary-in-the-middle (AitM) attacks that hijack update requests from legitimate software to deliver a sophisticated implant named NSPX30. Slovak cybersecurity firm ESET is tracking the advanced persistent threat (APT) group under the name Blackwood. It’s said to be active since at least 2018.…