How to Build and Sustain Deep, Meaningful Business Relationships

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Business success isn’t just about the right strategy or a well-crafted marketing plan. It’s about something more profound, yet often overlooked: the power of human connections. Entrepreneurs who recognize the importance of nurturing deep, genuine relationships stand apart in the crowded marketplace. Inspired by Jason Mitchell’s approach,…

Discord bans misgendering and deadnaming in hateful conduct policy update

Deadnaming and misgendering trans people is now explicitly banned on Discord, per the platform’s updated hateful conduct policy. Discord’s hateful conduct policy defines hate speech as “any expression that degrades, vilifies, or dehumanized individuals, incites intense feelings of hostility towards defined groups, or promotes harm based on protected characteristics.” The expanded policy, which was internally…

Discord bans misgendering and deadnaming in hateful conduct policy update

Deadnaming and misgendering trans people is now explicitly banned on Discord, per the platform’s updated hateful conduct policy. Discord’s hateful conduct policy defines hate speech as “any expression that degrades, vilifies, or dehumanized individuals, incites intense feelings of hostility towards defined groups, or promotes harm based on protected characteristics.” The expanded policy, which was internally…

Discord bans misgendering and deadnaming in hateful conduct policy update

Deadnaming and misgendering trans people is now explicitly banned on Discord, per the platform’s updated hateful conduct policy. Discord’s hateful conduct policy defines hate speech as “any expression that degrades, vilifies, or dehumanized individuals, incites intense feelings of hostility towards defined groups, or promotes harm based on protected characteristics.” The expanded policy, which was internally…