How to open Silent Chests in Diablo 4

Cracking open a massive, glowing chest and scooping up all that colorful loot is one of the best parts about playing a Diablo title. That dopamine rush of seeing all those new gear items spill onto the ground is unmatched, even if the contents aren’t exactly what you’re looking for. Diablo 4 obviously has plenty…

AI doomerism is overblown and other TC news

Many of the leading voices in AI have co-signed yet another ominous open letter warning that we should be “mitigating the risk of extinction from AI.” However, the voices shouting for regulation the loudest have us wondering how much of the AI fear-mongering is warranted, and how much is self-serving theater. This week, I’m joined by…

AI doomerism is overblown and other TC news

Many of the leading voices in AI have co-signed yet another ominous open letter warning that we should be “mitigating the risk of extinction from AI.” However, the voices shouting for regulation the loudest have us wondering how much of the AI fear-mongering is warranted, and how much is self-serving theater. This week, I’m joined by…