DuckDuckGo dabbles with AI search

Privacy-focused search engine DuckDuckGo has followed Microsoft and Google to become the latest veteran search player to dip its beak in the generative AI trend — announcing the launch today in beta of an AI-powered summarization feature, called DuckAssist, which can directly answer straightforward search queries for users. DDG says it’s drawing on natural language…

Unified Security and Endpoint Management

As threats grow and attack surfaces get more complex, companies continue to struggle with the multitude of tools they utilize to handle endpoint security and management. This can leave gaps in an enterprise’s ability to identify devices that are accessing the network and in ensuring that those devices are compliant with security policies. These gaps…

The Digital Imperative in Manufacturing

The manufacturing industry is ripe for innovation, as it continues to embrace the IoT (Internet of Things) and AI (artificial intelligence). In fact, McKinsey suggests 50% of organizations’ revenue will come from new business models and products by 2026. And the way some manufacturing companies are talking this just might happen. What’s more, this is…