3 questions founders should be asking investors in Q1 2023 • TechCrunch

Talia Rafaeli Contributor Talia Rafaeli is a partner with Kompas, an early-stage European venture capital fund investing in digital transformation technologies within the built environment and industry 4.0 domains. Investors and entrepreneurs began 2022 bright-eyed and optimistic as startups raised nearly $13 billion in the first quarter, making it the fifth-highest quarter for funding on…

Microsoft Reveals Tactics Used by 4 Ransomware Families Targeting macOS

Jan 06, 2023Ravie LakshmananEndpoint Security / Cyber Threat Microsoft has shed light on four different ransomware families – KeRanger, FileCoder, MacRansom, and EvilQuest – that are known to impact Apple macOS systems. “While these malware families are old, they exemplify the range of capabilities and malicious behavior possible on the platform,” the tech giant’s Security…

How to automate global customer support

Most businesses rely on customer support to keep operations running smoothly. But, providing quality support can be time-consuming and expensive, especially when you have customers located around the world. Luckily, there are ways to automate and globalize your customer support operation, saving you both time and money.  In this blog post, we’ll explore how to…