Small Business IoT | Sierra Wireless

While the Internet of Things (IoT) is often thought to be something for large enterprises, small/medium businesses (SMBs) can also benefit from deploying IoT networks. There are already millions of IoT devices in use for applications as diverse as fleet tracking, EV charging, vending, smart lockers, energy delivery, video surveillance, environmental control, customer traffic analysis,…

Best early Black Friday deals: $300 off Galaxy S22 Ultra, $579 75-inch TV and more

Refresh 2022-11-01T15:48:20.964Z (Image credit: Amazon) As much as I enjoy a workout with heavy weights, it’s just as important to target those smaller muscles with lighter weights. That’s why I love this deal. Amazon has the Signature Fitness 32-Pound Dumbbell Set (with stand) on sale for $46. It includes three dumbbell sets in 3-lb., 5-lb.,…