YouTube will show personal stories of patients in search results for health-related queries • TechCrunch

YouTube announced Wednesday that it will show a new section called “Personal Stories” in search results starting this week when users enter health-related queries. The company said when people search for videos of certain health conditions on YouTube, it will show a panel featuring videos from people who are diagnosed with those disorders. The company…

Aiven’s first acquisition is Kafkawize, an open source data governance tool for Kafka • TechCrunch

Aiven, which provides fully-managed and hosted services for major open source projects including Kafka, Cassandra, and Grafana, has announced its first ever acquisition — the Finnish company has snapped up Kafkawize, a self-service open source data governance tool for Apache Kafka. Terms of the deal were not disclosed. The acquisition comes amid a renewed focus…

Aiven’s first acquisition is Kafkawize, an open source data governance tool for Kafka • TechCrunch

Aiven, which provides fully-managed and hosted services for major open source projects including Kafka, Cassandra, and Grafana, has announced its first ever acquisition — the Finnish company has snapped up Kafkawize, a self-service open source data governance tool for Apache Kafka. Terms of the deal were not disclosed. The acquisition comes amid a renewed focus…

Aiven’s first acquisition is Kafkawize, an open source data governance tool for Kafka • TechCrunch

Aiven, which provides fully-managed and hosted services for major open source projects including Kafka, Cassandra, and Grafana, has announced its first ever acquisition — the Finnish company has snapped up Kafkawize, a self-service open source data governance tool for Apache Kafka. Terms of the deal were not disclosed. The acquisition comes amid a renewed focus…

Sateliot and AWS collaborate on direct-to-satellite 5G-based NB-IoT connectivity

Satellite telecom operator Sateliot is working to provide direct-to-satellite narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) connectivity, delivered by Low Earth Orbiting (LEO) satellites. The company announced this week a partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to build a fully virtualized cloud-native 5G core for its NB-IoT service, expected to be commercially available sometime in the second half of…

Can companies issue stakes in their success without using shares or options? This startup thinks so • TechCrunch

So-called ‘stakeholder capitalism’ has not had the most illustrious of histories. Yes, there have been ‘Walmart Associates’ who were able to own stock in the company, or ‘John Lewis Associates’ (in the UK), but it’s hardly made the average person well off. At least they got something? In tech startups, however, tech founders are helped…

Researchers Warn of New Go-based Malware Targeting Windows and Linux Systems

A new, multi-functional Go-based malware dubbed Chaos has been rapidly growing in volume in recent months to ensnare a wide range of Windows, Linux, small office/home office (SOHO) routers, and enterprise servers into its botnet. “Chaos functionality includes the ability to enumerate the host environment, run remote shell commands, load additional modules, automatically propagate through…

India plans nationwide 5G coverage within two years

India’s National Broadband Mission, which operates under the Ministry of Communications, has revealed that the country’s Government will announce the launch of 5G services in the country at India Mobile Congress on October 1. Mukesh Ambani, India’s Reliance Industries’ chairman, Bharti Airtel’s CEO, Sunil Mittal, and Vodafone Idea India’s CEO, Ravinder Takkar, are expected to…