New Orchard Botnet Uses Bitcoin Founder’s Account Info to Generate Malicious Domains

A new botnet named Orchard has been observed using Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto’s account transaction information to generate domain names to conceal its command-and-control (C2) infrastructure. “Because of the uncertainty of Bitcoin transactions, this technique is more unpredictable than using the common time-generated [domain generation algorithms], and thus more difficult to defend against,” researchers from…

Small Business IoT | Sierra Wireless

While the Internet of Things (IoT) is often thought to be something for large enterprises, small/medium businesses (SMBs) can also benefit from deploying IoT networks. There are already millions of IoT devices in use for applications as diverse as fleet tracking, EV charging, vending, smart lockers, energy delivery, video surveillance, environmental control, customer traffic analysis,…

Best cheap OLED TV deals for August 2022

OLED TV deals are getting cheaper by the day. Whereas finding a sub-$1,000 OLED used to be near-impossible, now you can find multiple at that price point on just about any day of the week.  In fact, today’s TV deals are driving OLED TV prices to lows we’ve never seen before, which makes it an…