Paris-based Breega closes €250M fund, opens Barcelona office to back Iberian startups – TechCrunch

Paris-originated VC Breega wasn’t enormously well-known in the VC world (it only closed its 1st fund in 2015) until, perhaps, it started attracting attention with its second €110 million Seed fund, just under a year go. It’s portfolio now includes a number of scale-ups including Moneybox, Cuvva, Coverflex and Libeo. Perhaps part of its ‘secret…

Top Success Factors for Smart Meter Deployment

Many factors, including new government regulations, increased pressure to generate and deliver utilities in a sustainable way, a need for more accurate billing, and a growing customer demand for better services, are driving utilities to digitally transform their operations. One of the key aspects of these utilities’ digital transformation efforts has been smart meter deployments.…