HCI and Designing for Democracy

What is a democratic internet, and how does it intersect with the evolving nature of HCI? Connectivity has changed everything. In fact, experts like Elizabeth Gerber, professor and co-director of the Center for Human Computer Interaction + Design at Northwestern University, say there is not a single aspect of many humans’ lives that is not…

What is the IT band and can you stretch it?

You’ve probably heard someone talk about their troublesome IT band (or ITB for those really in the know) while looking rueful and rubbing the outside of their knee. And you’ve probably nodded and said something like, “Oh yeah, that’ll get you every time”, although you have no idea what they are babbling about. If this…

Major IoT Trends to Expect in 2022

April 8, 2022 Source: Claudia Jarrett, US Country Manager |  EU Automation | Manufacturing Tomorrow 5G networks are opening new opportunities to manufacturers including speeding-up the IoT with faster data transfer rates and more efficient connections and communication between devices. Therefore, 5G will be key to the growth of the IoT in 2022. Cisco Systems…