3 Tips to Take Advantage of the Future Web 3.0 Decentralized Infrastructure

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Concepts such as DAOs, NFTs and metaverses are increasing in popularity. They are sure to revolutionize the way we behave in an online world. But, we are still largely interacting with Web 3.0 through Web 2.0 applications and interfaces.  You probably found this page on the Google Search Engine, maybe even through the…

First Malware Targeting AWS Lambda Serverless Platform Discovered

A first-of-its-kind malware targeting Amazon Web Services’ (AWS) Lambda serverless computing platform has been discovered in the wild. Dubbed “Denonia” after the name of the domain it communicates with, “the malware uses newer address resolution techniques for command and control traffic to evade typical detection measures and virtual network access controls,” Cado Labs researcher Matt…