IT can play a major role in driving sustainability – TechCrunch

Jeff Kukowski Contributor Jeff Kukowski is CEO at CloudBolt, which helps companies automate easily, optimize continuously and govern at scale in hybrid and multicloud, multitool environments. With data centers alone consuming around 1% of global electricity demand, IT departments have substantial influence on their organization’s sustainability goals. Significantly reducing the amount of energy used to…

Counting for Amazon’s Alabama and Staten Island union votes begins next week – TechCrunch

It’s been a predictably wild ride for unionization efforts at Amazon’s Bessemer, Alabama fulfillment center. After a hard-fought battle, the retail giant emerged victorious last April. While workers had received support from representatives on the political spectrum ranging from Bernie Sanders to Marco Rubio, it was a lop-sided victory — and one immediately challenged by…

3 Tips to Take Advantage of the Future Web 3.0 Decentralized Infrastructure

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Concepts such as DAOs, NFTs and metaverses are increasing in popularity. They are sure to revolutionize the way we behave in an online world. But, we are still largely interacting with Web 3.0 through Web 2.0 applications and interfaces.  You probably found this page on the Google Search Engine, maybe even through the…