Alice&Bob, a quantum computing startup, raises $30M to launch its first fault tolerant ‘cat qubit’ computers in 2023 – TechCrunch

Quantum computing has been something of a holy grail in the world of technology: in theory, it promises an unprecedented amount of processing power that could be used to solve the most complicated problems; in practice, most attempts at building the physical manifestation of the concept produce too many errors as a byproduct to make…

Chinese APT41 Hackers Broke into at Least 6 U.S. State Governments: Mandiant

APT41, the state-sponsored threat actor affiliated with China, breached at least six U.S. state government networks between May 2021 and February 2022 by retooling its attack vectors to take advantage of vulnerable internet-facing web applications. The exploited vulnerabilities included “a zero-day vulnerability in the USAHERDS application (CVE-2021-44207) as well as the now infamous zero-day in…

Making Factories Smarter: A Crash Course in Digital Transformation

Sometimes the hardest step toward digital transformation is getting started. What’s driving smarter factories? It’s a long list that includes drivers for specific business and “for the greater good” benefits, like better managing/addressing energy and materials consumption, carbon intensity, environmental sustainability, climate change, and public safety. But, in most cases, the economic benefit is the…

Absurdly long car awarded Guinness World Record

“It’s not for everyday driving, obviously,” Michael Manning says as he stands in front of the 100-foot-long (30.5-meter) car that he helped to restore. It’s hard to disagree, after all, can you imagine trying to park this thing outside Walmart, or visiting a drive-thru, or attempting a three-point turn, or going just about anywhere in…