loses more senior execs as employees brace for another mass layoff – TechCrunch

Things are getting worse at Better. More executives have resigned from nearly three months after the online mortgage lender laid off 900 employees via Zoom and as the company prepares for more layoffs, according to multiple sources familiar with the internal happenings at the company. Those sources include both current and former employees. The…

Recruiting recruiters, crypto marketing, earned media 101 – TechCrunch

Do you have recent experience recruiting talent for pre-revenue startups? If this describes you — or someone you know — please read this important announcement. TechCrunch Experts is recruiting recruiters Growth marketing (TechCrunch+) Create a social media punch list for cryptocurrency marketing: Facebook began allowing crypto companies to advertise on its platform last December, but…

Microsoft Warns of ‘Ice Phishing’ Threat on Web3 and Decentralized Networks

Microsoft has warned of emerging threats in the Web3 landscape, including “ice phishing” campaigns, as a surge in adoption of blockchain and DeFi technologies emphasizes the need to build security into the decentralized web while it’s still in its early stages. The company’s Microsoft 365 Defender Research Team called out various new avenues through which…