Donation site for Ottawa truckers’ ‘Freedom Convoy’ protest exposed donors’ data – TechCrunch

The donation site used by truckers in Ottawa who are currently protesting against national vaccine mandates has fixed a security lapse that exposed passports and driver’s licenses of donors. The Boston, Mass.-based donation service GiveSendGo became the primary donation service for the so-called “Freedom Convoy” last week after GoFundMe froze millions of dollars in donations,…

Donation site for Ottawa truckers’ ‘Freedom Convoy’ protest exposed donors’ data – TechCrunch

The donation site used by truckers in Ottawa who are currently protesting against national vaccine mandates has fixed a security lapse that exposed passports and driver’s licenses of donors. The Boston, Mass.-based donation service GiveSendGo became the primary donation service for the so-called “Freedom Convoy” last week after GoFundMe froze millions of dollars in donations,…

Palestinian Hackers Use New NimbleMamba Implant in Recent Attacks

An advanced persistent threat (APT) hacking group operating with motives that likely align with Palestine has embarked on a new campaign that leverages a previously undocumented implant called NimbleMamba. The intrusions leveraged a sophisticated attack chain targeting Middle Eastern governments, foreign policy think tanks, and a state-affiliated airline, enterprise security firm Proofpoint said in a…