Starship Technologies picks up €50M from the EU’s investment arm to expand its fleet of autonomous delivery robots – TechCrunch

Starship Technologies, one of the bigger names in the world of autonomous delivery robots — those little caboose-like, boxy delivery vehicles that self-drive around cities — has been on a roll during Covid-19, providing extra (unmanned) horsepower to distribute food and other goods between stores or restaurants and consumers, at a time when consumers were…

Starship Technologies picks up €50M from the EU’s investment arm to expand its fleet of autonomous delivery robots – TechCrunch

Starship Technologies, one of the bigger names in the world of autonomous delivery robots — those little caboose-like, boxy delivery vehicles that self-drive around cities — has been on a roll during Covid-19, providing extra (unmanned) horsepower to distribute food and other goods between stores or restaurants and consumers, at a time when consumers were…

Starship Technologies picks up €50M from the EU’s investment arm to expand its fleet of autonomous delivery robots – TechCrunch

Starship Technologies, one of the bigger names in the world of autonomous delivery robots — those little caboose-like, boxy delivery vehicles that self-drive around cities — has been on a roll during Covid-19, providing extra (unmanned) horsepower to distribute food and other goods between stores or restaurants and consumers, at a time when consumers were…

Starship Technologies picks up €50M from the EU’s investment arm to expand its fleet of autonomous delivery robots – TechCrunch

Starship Technologies, one of the bigger names in the world of autonomous delivery robots — those little caboose-like, boxy delivery vehicles that self-drive around cities — has been on a roll during Covid-19, providing extra (unmanned) horsepower to distribute food and other goods between stores or restaurants and consumers, at a time when consumers were…

Signify intos new line of LTE and 5G ‘broadband luminaires’ for smart cities

Netherlands-based lighting firm Signify is to integrate LTE and 5G into a new range of ‘broadband luminaires’ for the smart cities market. Signify has signed a deal with smart-city broadband provider Siklu to bundle the Israel-based firm’s ‘multi-haul’ ‘multi-gigabit’ hardware (branded ‘MultiHaul’). The new broadband line is part of Signify’s BrightSites portfolio. The pair said…

Intellect, the mental health startup focused on APAC, raises $10M Series A – TechCrunch

Mental health app Intellect’s founder and CEO Theodoric Chew Intellect, the Singapore-based mental health startup focused primarily on Asia-Pacific markets, announced today it has raised a $10 million Series A. The company’s services, including self-directed mental wellness programs in 15 languages and online therapy sessions, are available through two channels: as an employee benefit and…