Wavemaker Impact launches to help entrepreneurs build climate tech startups – TechCrunch

Wavemaker Impact’s founders: (from left to right) Quentin Vaquette, Doug Parker, Marie Cheong, Paul Santos, and Steve Melhuish Wavemaker Partners doesn’t just want to invest in climate tech and sustainability startups. It also wants to help build them. Today, the Singapore-based firm announced the launch of Wavemaker Impact, a venture builder that identifies potential business…

Wavemaker Impact launches to help entrepreneurs build climate tech startups – TechCrunch

Wavemaker Impact’s founders: (from left to right) Quentin Vaquette, Doug Parker, Marie Cheong, Paul Santos, and Steve Melhuish Wavemaker Partners doesn’t just want to invest in climate tech and sustainability startups. It also wants to help build them. Today, the Singapore-based firm announced the launch of Wavemaker Impact, a venture builder that identifies potential business…

Wavemaker Impact launches to help entrepreneurs build climate tech startups – TechCrunch

Wavemaker Impact’s founders: (from left to right) Quentin Vaquette, Doug Parker, Marie Cheong, Paul Santos, and Steve Melhuish Wavemaker Partners doesn’t just want to invest in climate tech and sustainability startups. It also wants to help build them. Today, the Singapore-based firm announced the launch of Wavemaker Impact, a venture builder that identifies potential business…

Top 10 global manufacturers using 5G

To further explore the intersection of 5G and manufacturing, register for the 5G Manufacturing Forum.    Global manufactuers are starting to adopt 5G to improve manufacturing processes   5G technology offers manufacturers the chance to build smart factories and truly take advantage of technologies such as automation, artificial intelligence, augmented reality for troubleshooting, and the…

FCC bans China Telecom from operating US services

The FCC has actioned a Trump-era recommendation to ban China Telecom from operating services in the United States. China Telecom Americas is based in Virginia and sells mobile services which target Chinese Americans, tourists, and businesses. In April last year, the Trump administration’s Justice Department recommended that the FCC revoked China Telecom Americas authorisations to…

The Rise of Industry 5.0

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is here, with automation changing the way we work, but with some people looking to the future—Industry 5.0—where are we on our journey to a more technological future? First, let’s look back. I explain the phenomenon of the Industrial Revolution in my book Sustainable in a Circular World. Here is the…