The Increased Liability of Local In-home Propagation

Today I discuss an attack vector conducive to cross-organizational spread, in-home local propagation. Though often overlooked, this vector is especially relevant today, as many corporate employees remain working from home. In this post, I contrast in-home local propagation with traditional vectors through which a threat (ransomware in particular) spreads throughout an organization. I discuss the…

Are Regulations and Taxes Coming for Waste?

Could our waste soon be regulated? Will we have more ESG (environmental, social, and governance) policy in the future? Will we have government mandates and sustainable material regulations? A new report gives analysis of past regulatory practices and a newly developed predictive framework. Lux Research’s new report, Predicting Policy for Sustainable Materials, provides a framework…

A Piece of This Martian Rock Could Be Coming to Earth

NASA’s Perseverance rover will soon try for the second time to collect a sample of Martian rock for return to Earth. Scientists hope that the gathered material will reveal if microbial life ever existed on the distant planet. Perseverance’s first collection attempt ended in failure earlier this month as the drilled sample was too crumbly,…