Outage resolved after 1 hour) – TechCrunch

Countless popular websites including Reddit, Spotify, Twitch, Stack Overflow, GitHub, gov.uk, Hulu, HBO Max, Quora, PayPal, Vimeo, Shopify, Stripe, and news outlets CNN, The Guardian, The New York Times, BBC and Financial Times are currently facing an outage. A glitch at Fastly, a popular CDN provider, is thought to be the reason, according to a…

Where Is the Supply Chain Headed?

Heather Mueller, supply chain COO, Breakthrough, joins Peggy to talk about logistics and supply chain systems. She talks about the challenges as a result of COVID and how they have been tackled; some of the common supply-chain disruptions; and lessons learned to avoid future shortages. Mueller also discusses how transportation and supply-chain decisions made at…