The gaming industry needs more than just coders – TechCrunch

While the COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on countless businesses across the globe, the $118 billion gaming industry not only survived, it thrived, with 55% of American consumers turning to gaming for entertainment, stress relief, relaxation and a connection to the outside world amid lockdowns. This drove a 20% boost in gaming sales globally and created nearly 20,000 jobs…

The gaming industry needs more than just coders – TechCrunch

While the COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on countless businesses across the globe, the $118 billion gaming industry not only survived, it thrived, with 55% of American consumers turning to gaming for entertainment, stress relief, relaxation and a connection to the outside world amid lockdowns. This drove a 20% boost in gaming sales globally and created nearly 20,000 jobs…

The gaming industry needs more than just coders – TechCrunch

While the COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on countless businesses across the globe, the $118 billion gaming industry not only survived, it thrived, with 55% of American consumers turning to gaming for entertainment, stress relief, relaxation and a connection to the outside world amid lockdowns. This drove a 20% boost in gaming sales globally and created nearly 20,000 jobs…