NASA Mars Experiment Brings Crewed Missions Closer to Reality

Technicians at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory lower the Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment (MOXIE) instrument into the belly of the Perseverance rover. NASA/JPL-Caltech NASA’s Perseverance rover, which arrived on Mars in February 2021, scored a first on Tuesday when it successfully converted some of the red planet’s thin, carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere into oxygen. The…

Yummy FTP review – Macworld UK

Yummy FTP full review There are several FTP contenders for the Mac, but few of them as appealing as their PC brethren. Fetch and CyberDuck are favourites of the community. We’re particularly fond of the open source product FileZilla Client, too. It has a great interface and offers a level of reliability and ease of…

The Future of Virtual and Hybrid Events in a Post-Pandemic Landscape

In the past year, the virtual event software industry has undergone a massive transformation. Before 2020, almost nobody was talking about virtual events. If they were, they may have been referring to webinars, the more passive cousin of virtual events. Most businesses did not have a virtual event strategy in place—conferences, trade shows, and professional meetings were always in-person affairs, after all.