Malvertisers Exploited WebKit 0-Day to Redirect Browser Users to Scam Sites

A malvertising group known as “ScamClub” exploited a zero-day vulnerability in WebKit-based browsers to inject malicious payloads that redirected users to fraudulent websites gift card scams. The attacks, first spotted by ad security firm Confiant in late June 2020, leveraged a bug (CVE-2021–1801) that allowed malicious parties to bypass the iframe sandboxing policy in the…

January: Top 2021 Tech Trends

This means manufacturers must now deal with all different types of joints and therefore joining technology.” This is an upheaval for the space, one that raises questions for automotive manufacturers in the next couple of decades. “It is a big issue, not only for a capital-intensive floor full of spot welders that could become obsolete,…

NASA’s Mars rover Perseverance landing

NASA’s Perseverance rover is set to touch down on Mars this week, and while the success or failure of the mission remains to be seen, there’s still a lot to be excited about. Will the rover land safely? What happens after it touches down? What’s it looking for? You’ll find the answers to all these…

Site Reliability Engineers and the Software That Supports Them

Digital transformation efforts have become more like digital transformation mandates in the tech world ever since the COVID-19 pandemic made working from home the new normal. This has meant a rapid change in the B2B software landscape (although when has that not been the case?) as vendors rise to meet buyer demand for collaborative, hybrid technologies.