Don’t drink bleach

Coronavirus in Context is a weekly newsletter where we bring you facts that matter about the COVID-19 pandemic and the technology trying to stop its spread. You can subscribe here. Hola my socially distant amigos,  What happens when “contact tracing” becomes ubiquitous surveillance? I’m asking for about 8 billion friends because I think most countries are about to start…

How to Tell if Your Webcam Has Been Hacked

There’s a good reason so many people put tape over their computer webcams or use a dedicated webcam cover to shut them off: Webcams can be hacked, which means hackers can turn them on and record you when they want, usually with a “RAT” or remote administration tool that’s been secretly uploaded. This type of…

Researchers Uncover Novel Way to De-anonymize Device IDs to Users’ Biometrics

Researchers have uncovered a potential means to profile and track online users using a novel approach that combines device identifiers with their biometric information. The details come from a newly published research titled “Nowhere to Hide: Cross-modal Identity Leakage between Biometrics and Devices” by a group of academics from the University of Liverpool, New York…