This debut venture firm, backed by an Argentine conglomerate, is investing $60 million in far-flung U.S. startups – TechCrunch

Nico Berardi considers himself to be a citizen of the world, with a penchant for travel and a wide range of interests. Unlike many other VCs, who’ve increasingly specialized as the market has grown more crowded, Berardi is nearly as wide-ranging in his approach to venture capital, too. Somewhat counterintuitively, it’s paying off. At least,…

Sony Electronics upgrades smart agriculture solution to include AI

Sony Electronics announced a software update for its smart agriculture solution aimed at providing agricultural customers with new AI-based imaging capabilities, Sony said in a release. These new features, based on industry feedback, provide expanded functionality and are planned for rollout in March 2020.  Additionally, Sony Electronics, which currently offers its Smart Agriculture Solution in the United States, expects…

The secret sauce of collaboration

Let’s face it, the world is full of huge problems, and big challenges require matching interwoven ambitious solutions. Cooperation is the cornerstone upon which great achievements are built, and that starts with people who can identify and build bridges between stakeholders, enabling collaboration across disparate organizations. The 5G Open Innovation Lab, for example, is a…