Apple is offering interest-free financing to boost iPhone sales in China – TechCrunch

Apple is looking to get over its sales woes in China but offering prospective customers interest-free financing with a little help from Alibaba. Apple’s China website now offers financing packages for iPhones that include zero percent interest packages provided in association with several banks and Huabei, a consumer credit company operated by Alibaba’s Ant Financial…

Why Japan’s mission to bring space rocks to Earth is so incredible

A spacecraft launched by the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) in 2014 successfully touched down on a speeding near-Earth asteroid, and has collected samples to bring back for scientists to study. Everyone, we did it!!! #haya2_TD Thank you so much for your support from all over the world! — HAYABUSA2@JAXA (@haya2e_jaxa) February 22, 2019…