As its own reports reveal the disaster of climate inaction, Trump proposes climate inaction – TechCrunch

If the current presidential administration’s approach to climate change could be summarized in one sentence, it seems that sentence would be “smoke em if you got em.” By the administration’s own estimate, on its current course (if nations around the world do nothing more to respond to the climate change threat) the planet will warm…

Online education unicorn Udacity has quietly laid off 5% of staff — at least 25 people — since August – TechCrunch

Online education is a $160 billion+ industry today, but as it continues to mature, there are some inevitable ebbs and flows. In the latest development, TechCrunch has learned and confirmed that Udacity — the $1 billion startup co-founded by Sebastian Thrun that specialises in “nanodegrees” in tech subects that range from AI and coding through…