Kristina Swallow Talks Fixing Failing Infrastructure – Connected World

Kristina Swallow, president, ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers), joined Peggy Smedley to kick off an amazing month addressing the state of infrastructure. They talked about the Infrastructure Report Card—and the areas where the nation is truly struggling most. With more than 20 years of professional practice in water resources, transportation, and land development, Swallow…

PTC Lifts the Covers

Out with the old and in with the new. PTC CEO Jim Heppelmann might not agree, but that is pretty much what he is saying about the IoT (Internet of Things) these days and maybe even about some of his less than active partners. Source link Shiv EswarShiv has over 8 years experience working on…

5G across the Verticals – Connected World

It may not seem like it’s been very long since the industry was abuzz about 4G or even 3G and the benefits for M2M (machine-to-machine) and IoT (Internet of Things) applications, but now it’s all about 5G, the fifth generation of wireless broadband networks. In verticals like agriculture, smart cities, utilities, manufacturing, healthcare, and beyond,…

Healthcare Cut Costs, Improve Cash Flow – Connected World

In today’s challenging healthcare environment where connectivity is key to optimal performance, the industry has experienced positive changes as providers and payers shift from paper-based claims to electronic healthcare transaction processing for workers compensation and automobile accident bills. The advent of electronic connectivity between providers and payers is not only generating rewards for providers, but…