Advanced Analytics in the Supply Chain – Connected World

In today’s connected world, companies are looking for ways to do less with more. They’re looking to slash operating costs, enhance service, boost flexibility in the supply chain, improve forecast accuracy, reduce supply-chain disruptions, increase visibility, and reduce inventory, among other goals. The IoT (Internet of Things) is helping businesses acquire actionable information that can…

California Helps Set the Bar for Security and Privacy – Connected World

With the increasing pervasiveness of smartphones across the globe, it’s becoming more common for companies to want to connect their products and devices to the Internet, since connectivity typically adds value to consumers’ experiences with these products and devices. Connectivity also helps companies compete in a highly connected world. However, connectivity can also be a…

Dip in Traffic Fatalities Reflects Progress with a Grain of Salt – Connected World

Every day, traffic accidents cost individuals and their families time, money, and sometimes, sadly, much more. Technology in modern vehicles can help prevent crashes or protect passengers in the event of a crash by alerting drivers of impending collisions, alerting emergency services after a collision has occurred, applying brakes or other corrective measures before the…