Partnerships Drive Smart City Innovation

Global smart cities will help drive IoT (Internet of Things) technology revenues in the next decade thanks to continued innovation and the desire to gather more data, reduce carbon footprints, and better manage city services. ABI Research says IoT technology revenues across 12 key smart-city technologies and verticals will reach $62 billion in 2026, up…

Tom Wheeler: Technology Is Evolutionary

Peggy and Tom Wheeler, visiting fellow, Brookings Institute, and book author, From Gutenberg to Google, The History of Our Future, explains that each new technology has had a serious economic and societal challenge—and why should we expect anything to be different today. He points to examples on the railroad and in coal mines. His recommendation?…

Road to 5G Ignites AVs, Buildings, Cities, and More

Rapid connectivity via AV (autonomous vehicles) and the immense data transfer of speeds that will be experienced by 5G—unlike anything we’ve seen before—will change our lifestyles and our businesses. We will see people eating, sleeping, playing Fortnite, and even having sex (although it’s still illegal) in their EVs (electric vehicles). The proliferation of 5G—otherwise known…

Highlights from Mobile World Congress 2019

This week has been all about Barcelona and MWC (Mobile World Congress) 2019. Mobile phones make most of the headlines—foldable phones, anyone?—but beyond the flashy new smartphone screens and improved smartphone cameras, several trends, product announcements, and innovations are relevant beyond the mobile phone sphere in the greater IoT (Internet of Things) space. The post…

The Price of Privacy

Privacy in a data-driven IoT (Internet of Things)-enabled world can be an emotionally charged issue—one fraught with personal, business, legal, and political challenges and implications. In a couple of different ways, privacy has had its share of the limelight already in 2019. Most likely, it’ll be a talking point for as long as data is…

The Price of Privacy

Privacy in a data-driven IoT (Internet of Things)-enabled world can be an emotionally charged issue—one fraught with personal, business, legal, and political challenges and implications. In a couple of different ways, privacy has had its share of the limelight already in 2019. Most likely, it’ll be a talking point for as long as data is…

Why Inner Source Brings Value to Open

Open source. Inner source. How do the two compare? Do we recognize both the risks and the rewards? Open-source software, if not vetted properly, may pose certain security threats. Some smaller open-source projects, for instance, potentially do not do thorough security vetting, leaving code open to vulnerabilities. Sometimes, when there are a lot of cooks…