How Cities and Transportation Collide

Many people are just starting to realize some of the challenges facing cities and states as they grapple with ways to solve their various transportation problems. It is without a doubt—one that everyone who lives in a city or commutes to one ought to be interested in. Slightly more than half of all people live…

Connected World IoT Innovations 2019

Identifying the leading solutions in the IoT market today Innovation is defined as simply the introduction of something new or a new idea, method, or device. A product, for instance, can be innovative. Merriam-Webster suggests that the words innovation and invention overlap some, as both can refer to something which has not previously been in…

Is 5G Here?

I know I have written about this more than once this year, but it deserves repeating; 5G is going to be something to watch as solutions are developed leveraging its power and speed. What’s more, if you attended Mobile World Congress this year, you heard all the buzz surrounding 5G. I’d go as far as…

Smart City Progress and the Promise of 5G

Cities are getting smarter one by one and IoT (Internet of Things) application by IoT application. At some point in the future, most cities in the developed world will be “smart,” meaning they’ll run on connected technologies—from dynamic street lighting to connected parking meters, smart buildings, AVs (autonomous vehicles), and beyond. These smart city systems…

AVs: The Precipice of Change

There has been much discussion on what the U.S. Dept. of Transportation is doing to prepare our nation for autonomous vehicles and the future of transportation. Let’s take a step back. Autonomous vehicles represent a huge change in modern society. I think the shift is kind of like the shift from horse-driven carriages to motorized…

Americans Remain Leery of AVs

Change is hard, and, in some cases, it can be downright scary. Technology is driving a lot of change in the 21st century, and it’s possible that the biggest, most “intimidating” changes are yet to come. For instance, robotics, AI (artificial intelligence), and automation are huge, important technology trends that are taking the world by…

5G & AV to Solve Driver Distraction?

Some people become advocates against distracted driving after tragedy strikes, my motivation was different. While I have not lost someone close to me as a result of distracted driving, I was in a car accident many years ago, and that moment gave me pause to think about what people are doing when they are driving.…

March 2019: Automation and the Future of Work

Automation’s impact on the job market has been and will continue to be significant, to say the least. Forrester Research calls automation central to the next phase of digital transformation, because it’s driving value in terms of faster product delivery, better product quality and higher dependability, and more personalization and convenience. The post March 2019:…