The Future of Cities Is Smart

I am always so inspired when I read about the latest smart cities initiatives. From Charlotte, N.C., to Philadelphia, Pa., to Aurora, Ill., it seems nearly every city has a story of how it is trying to better itself, all with the help of the IoT (Internet of Things). The post The Future of Cities…

The Future of Cities Is Smart

I am always so inspired when I read about the latest smart cities initiatives. From Charlotte, N.C., to Philadelphia, Pa., to Aurora, Ill., it seems nearly every city has a story of how it is trying to better itself, all with the help of the IoT (Internet of Things). The post The Future of Cities…

Are Manufacturers Ready for 5G?

The importance of 5G is going to be profound. And it’s going to be important to the future of the Internet of Things and more specifically within the context of the workplace. The real question then is how might 5G affect workplaces? Even more importantly, how will 5G impact manufacturing? 5G is in its infancy,…

Chris Pearson: The Future Is 5G

Peggy and Chris Pearson, president, 5G Americas, dig into the topic of 5G—and how it is going to impact the IoT (Internet of Things). They discuss the three big use cases for 5G, how it is going to be transformative for society, and that it is a national priority for many countries across the globe.…

May: Urbanization and Transportation

Cities are changing. According to the UN (United Nations), 68% of the global population will live in urban areas by 2050, compared to 55% today. What’s more, the UN expects the global population to skyrocket in the next few decades, potentially adding 2.5 billion more people to urban areas by 2050. The post May: Urbanization…

Enterprise Security Takes Many Forms

Security breaches—both physical security breaches and cybersecurity breaches—are too common in today’s world, and it seems not a day of news goes by without featuring some horrible act of physical violence or digital malice. Businesses must protect themselves against all kinds of threats to ensure the safety of their employees, their customers, their assets, and…

Bentley Digs the Digital Twin

Sometimes listening to an update call is more than a revenue report update on the recent acquisitions and technology advancements being announced by a company; it’s really about the vision of the leader at the helm. And that was my takeaway after the May 13, Bentley Systems Spring Update conference call for press and analysts.…

Better Tech, Less Distraction in Cockpits

Technology can improve safety. It can deliver just-in-time data for first responders, it can remotely monitor assets in dangerous places so humans don’t have to, and one day, AV (autonomous vehicle) technology will drive vehicles, mitigating dangers associated with human driver error. However, technology can also detract from safety. Too much technology in front of…