Legacy Monitoring Tools Stall Digital Transformations

Technology moves fast, and, sometimes, enterprises saddled with legacy solutions get stuck, while the competition keeps moving. Unfortunately, new research suggests this is an all-too-common scenario. In some cases, established enterprises are under pressure from startups born and bred in the digital age. Legacy systems can’t always support the digital transformation companies envision, and it’s…

AI Opportunities in Healthcare and Beyond

The use of AI (artificial intelligence) and ML (machine learning) will be the disrupting influence changing entire industries throughout the next decade. The use of it is occurring in a wide range of applications from ERP (enterprise resource planning) and manufacturing software to content management, collaboration, and user productivity. Predictions show artificial intelligence and machine…

Connected World Awards 2019

Often the value of technology is limitless: save money, save time, save resources, but perhaps one of the biggest benefits of technology is to save lives. This is evident in the story of this year’s 2019 Connected World Awards winner. The Connected World Awards recognize the most successful user success stories in any vertical industry,…

The Future of AI

Artificial intelligence technologies, or otherwise more commonly known these days as AI, are empowering professionals to better make sense of the vast amounts of digital data that are being collected by modern information systems. The post The Future of AI appeared first on Connected World. Source link Shiv EswarShiv has over 8 years experience working…

Olivier Bloch: IoT Plug and Play

With IoT Plug and Play, developers can connect IoT devices to the cloud, without having to write a single line of embedded code. Peggy and Olivier Bloch, principal program manager, Azure IoT developer ecosystem, Microsoft, talk about how developers can connect IoT devices to the cloud with IoT Plug and Play without having to write any code. With…