Elevating Decarbonization

New York City, as the most populous area in the country, can literally make its own rules above and beyond those of the state of New York. For example, buildings account for two-thirds of the annual carbon emissions in New York City, and Local Law 97 is part of New York City’s commitment to reduce…

Elevating Decarbonization

New York City, as the most populous area in the country, can literally make its own rules above and beyond those of the state of New York. For example, buildings account for two-thirds of the annual carbon emissions in New York City, and Local Law 97 is part of New York City’s commitment to reduce…

Getting Ready for An Infrastructure Boom

The 2021 Infrastructure Bill has passed and been signed into law. Now we wait to see where the money goes and what infrastructure projects will get the green light first. Construction companies that deal with heavy work are getting ready and the suppliers to those companies are doing their part. Technology providers, especially, are gearing…

The Future of City Mobility and Automotive

Cities are facing one big challenge: failing infrastructure, which is impacting all facets of city mobility including automotive. Even with hybrid working arrangements for many, there is still a strain on our cities’ infrastructure systems. Here is my question: what if we reimagined mobility? I recently had an opportunity to sit down with Sanjay Ravi,…

The Future of City Mobility and Automotive

Cities are facing one big challenge: failing infrastructure, which is impacting all facets of city mobility including automotive. Even with hybrid working arrangements for many, there is still a strain on our cities’ infrastructure systems. Here is my question: what if we reimagined mobility? I recently had an opportunity to sit down with Sanjay Ravi,…

The Future of City Mobility and Automotive

Cities are facing one big challenge: failing infrastructure, which is impacting all facets of city mobility including automotive. Even with hybrid working arrangements for many, there is still a strain on our cities’ infrastructure systems. Here is my question: what if we reimagined mobility? I recently had an opportunity to sit down with Sanjay Ravi,…

The Future of City Mobility and Automotive

Cities are facing one big challenge: failing infrastructure, which is impacting all facets of city mobility including automotive. Even with hybrid working arrangements for many, there is still a strain on our cities’ infrastructure systems. Here is my question: what if we reimagined mobility? I recently had an opportunity to sit down with Sanjay Ravi,…

The Future of City Mobility and Automotive

Cities are facing one big challenge: failing infrastructure, which is impacting all facets of city mobility including automotive. Even with hybrid working arrangements for many, there is still a strain on our cities’ infrastructure systems. Here is my question: what if we reimagined mobility? I recently had an opportunity to sit down with Sanjay Ravi,…